
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Le Petit Bal au Petit Palais

After a few months of lonely sewing I always kind of forget why I love this hobby so much so it's great to get to meet some people that are into the same things as you a couple of times a year. About two weeks ago I traveled six hours by train down to Tampere to attend a little ball there. At first I thought about making a long post about this wonderful event but then changed my mind because both Nora and Merja already blogged about it and I feel like I haven't got much to add to what they said. So here comes a post with lots of photos with only a short description.

Photo: Teemu Laukkarinen
To sum it all up, the ball was wonderful and you could engage yourself to many different kinds of activities, although from my part the evening was mainly filled up with socializing and watching others perform.

Photo: Markku Arvonen
I was as lazy as always taking photos but luckily there were other photographers who did so much better job than me capturing the event. I only fetched my camera at tea/coffee time and later in the evening. So now there's a bunch of photos taken by me of people holding cups and drinking coffee.

Later in the evening I happened to have my camera ready for moments like the one below ;) Here's Ida checking her garters and tying them securely for her dance solo.

Maija of Couture Mayah looking happy wearing her ever so lovely striped polonaise.

Who could resist a silly bum shot of the striped gowns?

I would have loved to dance more than I did but I've had the flu on and off for some time and that night I wasn't feeling good enough to dance more than once. Besides, even though the dance I participated in was familiar from several past events, I kept forgetting where to go and what to do so I'll have to try to dance more some other time in future events when I'm feeling better.

Photo: Teemu Laukkarinen

One of the best things: Muskotti playing dance music.

Photo:Teemu Laukkarinen

And for the end of this post, a couple of shots of the striped robe à l'anglaise with accessories. I kind of bore myself by using the same accessories all over and over again but the red belt looks nice with all of my recent gowns.

Photo: Teemu Laukkarinen
Photo: Merja
To read more about the details of the evening, check out these two posts by Before the Automobile and The Shadow of My Hand. Nora and Merja did so much better job at describing the whole evening than I did.


  1. I'm so glad it's less than two months until we get to see again. It was fun wasn't it?

  2. You look very lovely! What a gorgeous event!

  3. You were cute as a button in that gown and cap! It was so nice to meet up again so soon after the ball :)

    1. Thank you! :) We never get to see each other too often!

  4. You look beautiful, and it's nice seeing different perspectives of the same event.

    1. Thank you! :) I'm glad to hear you think so!

  5. Oh my goodness! I am so in love with your whole outfit!! Your hair, your make-up, your cap, your dress! What a picture perfect image you make!!!


    1. Thank you so much! :) I had quite forgotten how much I like this dress.
